Speak for the voiceless: Rescue, Save, Treat, Repeat

dogs in a shelter with a woman and bags of food

I have a fledgling nonprofit organization in Iraq which rescues and provides lifetime care for the maimed dogs in Iraq. I am hoping you will be able to assist me.

woman surrounded by dogs

Getting to know

Dunya Aljuboori

Saving Dogs in Iraq
Founder USA & Erbil Branches
Chief Executive Officer

Assistant Arabic Professor
Defense Language Institute in Monterey

Nassime Of Carmel

Licensed Fashionista

Woman petting rescued dogs
Woman smiling and hugging a dog

Saving Dogs in Iraq

I am new to this type of endeavor and am just in the beginning phases of acquiring information about fundraising. I have shared a letter with a number of people which gives a brief explanation about the horrible conditions for dogs in Iraq. Sadistic and misguided people are maiming dogs as part of their black magic rituals and some because they are frustrated, angry and cruel.

When I visited there in April I was faced with a situation I had never encountered; so many dogs living on the streets, starved and often maimed; one or two legs hacked off and left for dead. I could not leave them in so much pain, so I began collecting leftover food from restaurants and feeding as many as I could each day. By the end of my two month stay I had garnered support from the Governor of the Province to provide me with a piece of land, electricity and water free of charge if I could establish a viable nonprofit organization.

I have done all the paperwork necessary. I have even begun to gather donations from the limited number of people I contacted. Now I need a wider circle to draw from and advice from those who have done this before me. If you have time to speak with me I would be most grateful. I am happy to provide you more information about the situation in Iraq and my organization if you so desire. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I applaud the work you do on behalf of the innocent and defenseless animals who have no one except people like you to care on their behalf.

Gratefully and Respectfully,
Dunya Aljuboori Saving dogs in Iraq

The photos and videos posted on this website are from different organizations and efforts in Iraq. I do not currently have my own shelter. Donations and proceeds are going towards my grassroots efforts in the streets of Iraq and the opening my own shelter to continue my efforts for these dogs. All donations are greatly appreciated and with each donation we receive ,we become closer to our goal.

The goal of saving Dogs in Iraq Nonprofit organization is to rescue and provide lifetime care for the maimed dogs in Iraq. It is our job to advocate for all animals rights and report when we see abuse around us. Thank you!

Our Mission:
Saving Dogs in Iraq

Rescue  •  Save  •  Treat  •  Repeat

We have rescued over 70 dogs.

Our team consists of five people (two drivers).

Currently we don’t have enough money to build a shelter.

Our goal is to:

  • treat emergency cases
  • neuter/spay
  • vaccinate
  • microchip
  • return healthy dogs back to the street
  • provide food for street dogs

We need your help.

We have rescued many of these injured and tortured dogs. These street dogs are in need of surgical expertise. The local veterinarians don’t have the level of expertise that can be found outside the country.

We need volunteer verterinarians that can help with neutering, spaying and surgery.

If you know someone who can help, please contact us.

We have created a space and arranged a team to create shelter for abused and stray dogs. We have established a 501C3 organization and have sheltered approximately 70 dogs. We need to raise funds for essential resources in order to find a bigger site to accommodate a greater number of dogs.


Woman in black shirt hugging dogs

Akar Ismail Shukur

Founder Erbil Branch (Civil Engineer)

Close up photo of woman with a dog

Aswan Akram Gilyana

Erbil Branch Attorney

Woman in yellow shirt feeding dogs

Basya Muhamad Salih

Founder Erbil Branch (Accountant)